
Today, Barry from the meat market, who I have known for a decade, mentioned something about a bruise in the beef he was cutting up. He will soon be 77 by the way.

I asked about it and this was part of our conversation.

Barry: “Yeah, sometimes they just get bruised. Especially when they are moving around a lot. Sometimes it just happens.”

Becky: “Oh okay. I understand.”

Barry: “Yeah sometimes they just grow up with them and you wouldn’t know it until now. Kind of like us. We have old bruises that we probably don’t know about.”

His words instantly left a mark on me.


some are easily seen.

Seen when you ride your bike and scrape your knee.

Seen when you get hit by a pitch.

Seen when you smash a finger.

Seen with emotion.


some fade away.






gone, healed.


some are out of sight, hidden by the skin, lingering.

Hidden when you are healing.

Hidden when the grief of a loved one lingers throughout time.

Hidden when the words are hurtful, painful.

Hidden when your heart is aching, for whatever the reason.

Resurfacing and reminding us of the hurt, pain, bruises.


can grow with us in time.




a lifetime.

2 thoughts on “Bruises

  1. This is a lovely poem. 

    “Bruises some are out of sight, hidden by the skin, lingering.” This line hits on what I posted about tonight – the bruises you can inflict on someone with words, actions, or exclusions – the aftermath lingers on.

    Liked by 1 person

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