Macaroni Salad

Macaroni salad. Macaroni salad. Macaroni salad.

The last couple of nights my brain has been thinking of macaroni salad—- was it maybemy stomach?

I told myself I could wait until Sunday— my typical grocery day.

Today, I caved. I NEEDED that macaroni salad.

On the drive back home from school, I began to plan how I’d get it.

Drop everything off. Walk the dogs. Work my two hour shift at the meat market. Go to Weis and get that macaroni salad.

It was 6:15 pm and I was holding the long awaited macaroni salad.

I was so excited I stole a bite in the car. (Good thing I keep silverware in there).

I got it! It was delicious! Now my brain— maybe my stomach has had its fill.

Now I’m thinking about rice crispy treats 🙃.

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